Very Sad to Know, Try Cooking Instant Noodles for 1 Minute 45 Seconds, The Results Will Definitely Make You More

Who doesn't like to eat instant noodles?

Instant noodles are indeed a savior when hunger strikes at night.

Just boil it and put in the seasoning, our stomachs are already full.

Moreover, noodles are now available with a variety of delicious flavors, and of course cheap.

But, how can you cook instant noodles?

Cooking instant noodles is according to taste, some don't want it to be cooked, some want it to be very cooked to the point of loosing.

However, try it now to cook instant noodles in 1 minute 45 seconds.

Yes, it turns out that the noodle cooking technique went viral on social media in 1 minute and 45 seconds, you know!

This technique was created by traveler and influencer Asoka Remadja.

Noodle Cooking Technique Only 1 Minute 45 Seconds

Reporting from, Asoka Remadja conducted an experiment to get the texture of the instant noodles just right.

Finally he also found this 1 minute 45 second cooking technique.

Asoka felt that if he followed the cooking instructions given, namely 3 minutes, it would make the noodles soggy.

"So, if you eat instant noodles, you like it a bit hard,

then if for example you follow the rules of instant noodles, 3 minutes is soft, it won't work," said Asoka as quoted from

Willing to Experiment Several Times

He also conducted several experiments.

Starting from cooking instant noodles for 3 minutes, then 2 minutes, and finally finding the right time, which is 1 minute 45 seconds.

According to him, if cooking within 2 minutes still makes instant noodles tend to be soft.

This is because, there is a process of moving from the pan to the bowl or plate.

"Cooking for 1 minute 45 seconds is very good because if we transfer it to a bowl it is still in the cooking process," he said.

I didn't expect how to cook noodles in 1 minute and 45 seconds so it went viral

Ashoka did not expect that this simple technique would go viral on social media and be followed by many people.

Initially, the technique he shared used fried Indomie on November 2, 2020.

Then there were his followers who asked what kind of boiled noodles and from which brand Ashoka liked.

Without hesitation, Asoka replied that he really liked one type of noodle stew with the onion chicken variant.

Asoka also asked his followers to guess which brand of instant noodles has the most delicious garlic chicken taste.

The brand is Supermi.

Since sharing the instant noodle cooking technique, in fact the posts continue to be busy and what is surprising is that Supermi is sold out in several shopping places.

"I didn't expect it (to go viral). The intention is to share with people how to make good instant noodles," he continued.

Now, Asoka has been invited to work with Supermi as well as share the instant noodle cooking technique in 1 minute 45 seconds.

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