Tips Glowing With Cucumber Korean Style

The Secret to Glowing Faces in the Korean Style, Only Using Cucumbers Like This, Makes the Face the Dream of Many Women

Tips Glowing. When talking about glowing faces, many people immediately associate it with South Koreans.

This ginseng country is known for its women who have beautiful, glowing, and youthful faces.

That's what makes many people look to South Korea in terms of facial care.

Not only are facial care products widely spread globally, Korean women also don't abandon natural care.

Many natural ingredients are used by Korean women to maintain their beauty.

One of them that they use is cucumber.

Cucumber is used in many ways to get a glowing face.

Check out these three natural DIY face masks made using cucumber.

1. Cucumber and Honey Mask

With the cooling properties of cucumber, you can add honey to restore the natural glow of facial skin.

To make this face mask, take a fresh cucumber, wash it and peel it.

Grind it and add a tablespoon of honey to it.

Mix the ingredients well and apply all over the face. Wash off after 30 minutes.

The honey will moisturize your skin and the cucumber will make your skin fresh and glowing.

2. Cucumber Mask Mixed with Tomatoes and Oats

If your face is oily, then you must use this face mask.

To make it, in a bowl mix one tablespoon of cucumber juice, one tablespoon of tomato juice and one tablespoon of oats.

Mix the ingredients and use a facial mask. Wash off after 20 minutes and dry your skin.

This mask will also have a cooling effect and will remove excess sebum and reduce the size of open pores. Oats also act as a natural exfoliator.

3. Cucumber Egg white Mask

A facial mask of cucumber and egg white can be used to shrink pores and tighten the skin.

Cucumber has vitamin C and caffeic acid, which soothe irritated skin and reduce swelling and egg white has astringent properties that help tighten the skin.

To make this mask, mix one cucumber and add two tablespoons of powdered milk and egg white to it.

Blend until smooth and apply all over your face and neck.

Rinse after 20 minutes and apply a moisturizer suitable for your skin.

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