How to Make Tea to Shrink Your Stomach, These 4 Ingredients You Need

A distended stomach is one thing that can be experienced by anyone.

Both men and women can experience a distended stomach.

The most common cause is, of course, diet and lifestyle.

Accumulation of fat in the stomach often makes a person insecure.

Especially if you have to wear clothes that shape the body.

There are many ways to deal with a distended stomach.

One thing you can try is consuming tea.

Several types of tea can actually help to shrink a distended stomach.

So there can try the following 4 types of tea.

Michelle Zive of NASM-Certified Nutrition Coach says that there have been many studies suggesting

 that certain types of tea can help a person reduce belly fat.

But this is if the consumption of tea is balanced with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Tea that can shed belly fat Gina Keatley, a nutritionist from Keatley Medical Nutrition Therapy in New

 York says that compounds in tea can help maximize the work of enzymes in digestion, reduce sugar

 levels in the body and absorb fat.

Launching from Eatthis, here are the types of tea that can melt and reduce belly fat:

1. Black tea

Black tea is a type of tea that has the highest caffeine content among other tea variants.

Tea with caffeine, can encourage the maximum use of the body's energy.

In effect, the body will burn more calories.

A 2014 study says that drinking 3 cups of black tea every day for one month can significantly reduce

 body weight and shed belly fat.

2. Oolong tea

Oolong tea is blackish green in color and is processed through a fermentation process.

Now the polyphenols in oolong tea leaves work to encourage metabolism and help the body break

 down fat reserves to be used as energy.

A 2009 study found that a woman who drank 4 cups of oolong tea a day for 6 weeks was successful in

 losing about 2.5 kilograms.

3. Green tea

Green tea has been popular in the diet world for a long time.

In green tea there are compounds called catechins that boost the body's metabolism and can break down

 fat more optimally.

In addition to containing catechins, green tea also contains quite a lot of caffeine.

The combination of catechins and caffeine is very useful in helping the body burn calories and shed bad


4. Peppermint tea

Breaking the habit of snacking is difficult.

But you can kick this habit with the help of peppermint tea.

So when in the middle of the night you are tempted to hunt for snacks, immediately brew peppermint


Peppermint tea can suppress appetite very well.

Even a study states, that just by inhaling the aroma of peppermint, you can suppress uncontrolled


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